First up from Veritgo is American Vampire #7. I have already gushed about this book in previous posts and this issue maintains that level of deserved praise, so just pretend I wrote it all again. Something I don't think I have mentioned yet is how great this book is at blending vampire stories into a time period. In the first arcs it was early Hollywood and "The West" while the current story line takes a look at the beginnings of sin city and the Hoover Dam being built. Overall this book is just another perfect example of the work Vertigo puts out every month.
Next up is DC's Brightest Day #11. Art is still awesome and the narrowing down to two story-lines per comic, something that has been solidifying over the last few issues, has really helped the flow of the overall narrative. This issue brings us the return of a few familiar faces, which I am not really excited about but don't hate either so I am willing to see where it goes.
Heading over to Marvel, we kick their books off with Hawkeye & Mockingbird #5. It has been said many places but this comic just oozes fun and you should definitely be giving it a shot. In addition to the fun factor, David Lopez's art every issue has been great especially the action sequences. Again the books leaves us with a great cliff hanger anxiously awaiting next's month's installment.
Moving into my new books, with this one only getting picked up after flipping through it at the shop, we have Ultimate Thor #1. Never been a big Thor fan and Ultimate Marvel books haven't been great recently so this should have been an easy pass for me. At the shop though the cover caught my eye, which got me to flip through it, which got me to buy it, which resulted in me really enjoying it. The combination of Jonathan Hickman's story and Carlos Pacheco's art has a real epic and grand feel that fits the Norse god of thunder, especially the battle scenes. Definitely going to pick up the next issue, hoping they keep it up.
Lastly and pick of the week is Uncanny X-Force #1. I was little hesitant when I first read about this comic as I had really come to enjoy the previous X-Force team, have no love for Deadpool, and haven't read anything from Rick Remender or Jerome Opena. It was inevitable that I would pick it up though since I couldn't miss Archangel and Psylocke being back together in the same book (and bed coincidentally.) Long story short: I Love This Book! It holds on to that the feeling of X-Force but Remender and Opena also manage to put their own personal touch on it that makes it feel unique. Can't wait to see where they these two creators go with two of my favorite x-men and one of my favorite x-villains. So if you were holding back or didn't want to pick up another x-book, I implore you to give Uncanny X-Force a shot. They even manage to make Deadpool bearable.
Closing time once again and while you don't have to go home, you do have to go out to your local shop and pick up next week's comics since I do as well. See you back in here in 7 days or less or the next post is free.
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